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🇷🇴 Histria winery

An emblematic presence on the Romanian Wine Scene

With a steadfast belief in terrior, Histria Winery undoubtedly stands out as an unparalleled source of exceptional world-class wines.

Histria Winery is the pride of carrying forward the legacy of wine, of nurturing the gift passed down from past generations.

Here, the vines bask in the sun for over 300 days a year, and the sea imparts unmistakable saline aromas to the wines. Grape growers meticulously cared for the Dobrogean land every year and reap its blessings every fall for many generations.

Wine is a testament to civilization and hedonism, and Histria Winery has always been a hub for civilizations united by their love for nature, wine, and trade.

Discover in each wine the commitment to preserving these values and stories of the old.



Histria Winery is located in the Dobrogei Hills wine-growing region, 10 km from the Black Sea coast.

Climate and soils

The typical temperate continental climate is partial, and the Danube Delta partially mitigated the typical temperate continental climate. The annual thermal values show averages around 11ºC, with amplitudes of over 25ºC between the average of January and July, but with multiannual amplitudes of the absolute extremes of over 75ºC. The average precipitation frequently drops below 400 mm/year.

The heliothermal resources are among the highest in the country (radiant energy over 120-125 Kcal/cm², insolation of over 2200 hours, positive average daily temperatures of 4000º - 4200ºC/year). This ensures the ripening and even overripening of the grapes.

The zonal soils, clearly dominant in the wine-growing areas, are the steppe mollisols (castanozoum, chernoziom) and silvosteppe (cambic chernoziom and, more rarely, argiloiluvial, rendzina, gray soil), mostly developed on loessic substrate.

Name and history

The winery's name is derived from the ancient city of “Histria" in the southeastern part of Romania. 

This old place boasts a history of 2,700 years and was founded by ancient Greek settlers in the 7th century BC. In the ancient Roman era, it was thriving through trade. Grape cultivation has also flourished since that time, firmly establishing a rich wine culture in the entire region of Dobrogea.

Winery information

Histria Winery is a boutique winery, established in 2015. It currently exploits 12 hectares of vineyards, cultivating both local varieties (Fetească neagra, Fetească regală) and international varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot noir, Chardonnay, Rhein Riesling).

Paul FULEA, the man behind the story


Paul FULEA is relatively new to the wine world but managed to become a highly acclaimed winemaker, both domestically and internationally.

His winemaking style revolves around a commitment to wild yeast fermentation and maximizing the potential of terroir.

Fearlessly challenging conventions and old rules, he relentlessly pursues the highest quality standards, fulfilling his part in elevating Romania's wine culture to the highest level.

Paul learned many valuable lessons from Nicolae, his father and mentor. He manages a wide range of tasks, from working the vineyard to personally promoting his wines on the domestic and international markets.

What he holds most dear is the philosophy of "terroir." With unwavering respect for the land, he continues to experiment and strive to cultivate better grapes and create superior wines.

⇩Wines Histria Winery⇩

7 Results

Mirachi Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
Member discount

Mirachi Cabernet Sauvignon 2017


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ネグル・デ・ヒストリア・フェテアスカ・ネアグラ・カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン 2020年 / Negru de Histria Feteasca Neagra Cabernet Sauvignon 2020
Member discount
アモス 2018年 / Ammos 2018
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Ammos 2018


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Fleur Royale 2022 / Wild Yeast
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Fleur Royale 2022 / Wild Yeast


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Alb de Histria Chardonnay Barrique 2022
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Alb de Histria Chardonnay Barrique 2022


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Nikolaos 2020
9% off
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Nikolaos 2020

Regular price ¥5,830 ¥5,280 Sale

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ニコラオス・アルブ 2020年 / Nikolaos Alb 2020
Member discount

Nikolaos White 2022 [Limited Edition]


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