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Wine & English

English Conversation and Wine Tasting Course

Would you like to embark on a linguistic journey into the captivating world of wines while honing your English language skills? We invite you to join us for a unique experience in Yokohama, near the Ishikawa-cho station.

Explore the English Language

Our course lets you perfect your English language skills in a relaxed and interactive environment. Engage in conversations, learn, and connect with fellow enthusiasts passionate about the English language.

Discover the World of Wines

You'll delve into the wonderful world of wines with a wine-tasting expert. We'll uncover the nuances, aromas, and secrets of top-quality wines.

Build New Friendships

This course focuses on developing your linguistic abilities and fostering connections and friendships. The friendly and open atmosphere will help you feel at home and create lasting bonds.

Join us

Join us on this educational and gustatory journey! We look forward to having you with us to help you achieve your learning goals and savor memorable moments.


This course is for people who have at least basic conversation skills in the English language and want to know more about wine. 

What you get?

  • You will acquire intermediate to advanced English conversation skills
  • You'll taste awesome wines
  • You'll level up your wine IQ


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